How to prepare your home for buyer visits

How to prepare your home for buyer visits

Selling a house involves more than just putting it on the market. To attract potential buyers and ensure a good impression, it is essential to prepare the house properly before visits. Small details can make a big difference in visitors' perception of the property, increasing the chances of selling. In this article, we will share some essential tips to prepare your home for buyer visits.

1. Deep Cleansing

The first impression is crucial, and a clean home conveys care and attention to detail. Before each visit, perform a deep cleaning in all areas. Vacuum floors, clean windows, and make sure there is no dust on the furniture. Pay special attention to areas such as the kitchen and bathrooms, which must be spotless.

2. Depersonalize the Space

When potential buyers visit a property, it's important that they can imagine themselves living there. To facilitate this process, remove personal objects such as photographs, souvenirs, and items that reflect your personal style. A more neutral décor will allow visitors to visualize the space as their own.

3. Maximize Space

Space is one of the factors most valued by buyers. To highlight this, remove furniture or objects that can make the rooms smaller or cluttered. Keep only the essentials to show the true potential of each division. Also organise cupboards and pantries, as visitors may want to see what storage space is available.

4. Necessary Repairs

Make sure that small defects are addressed before visits. Replace blown light bulbs, fix dripping faucets, touch up paint, and fix doors or windows that don't open properly. Even minor repairs can give the buyer the feeling that the house has been well cared for.

5. Take Care of the Exterior Presentation

The entrance to the house is the first contact that buyers will have with the property. A well-kept garden, a clean façade, and an organized entrance make all the difference. Clean the hallway, mow the lawn if necessary, and add small details like potted plants to make the outdoors more inviting.

6. Pleasant environment

Create a welcoming atmosphere during visits. Keep the house well lit, making the most of natural light and, if necessary, turning on lights in darker areas. Make sure the temperature is comfortable, whether it's summer or winter. A final touch is to add small elements, such as fresh flowers or scented candles, to create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere.

7. Organization and Discretion During the Visit

During visits, it is preferable that the owner is not present. This allows potential buyers to feel comfortable exploring the home and asking questions of the real estate agent. Additionally, keep pets outside the home during visits, to avoid distractions or discomfort for visitors.


Preparing your home for buyer visits is an essential step in ensuring a good first impression and eventually closing the deal. With a careful and appealing presentation, potential buyers will have an easier time visualizing the property as their future home, increasing the chances of a quick and successful sale.

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